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2 years ago   Animals & Pets   California City   94 views Reference: 3187
  • ostrich-emu-rhea-peacocks-chicks-fertile-eggs-for-sale-big-0

Price: $123 Negotiable

Besides of selling Ostrich chicks, we also sell ostrich, Rhea, peacocks and Emu hatching eggs for those of you that want to incubate and hatch your own ostriches on your farm. Ostrich and emu hatching eggs for sale are of the highest quality!
Our hatching eggs are sent by priority mail and should be to you within 3-4 days after that breed hatching date.They should be set within seven days of our shipping them. The ideal holding temperature before setting is 60 degrees. As incubation times vary due to the incubator temperature, we recommend placing the eggs in the incubator during the middle of the week if you are hatching these in a classroom.

mention adsgala.com when calling to seller for great deal.